Senate Transportation Budget Details
- The forecasted revenue for the 2023-25 transportation budget is $6.99 billion. This is a $55.6 million decrease compared to the March 2023 forecast, which was used to set the 2023-25 biennial budget.
- Transportation revenue forecasts do not include funds generated through the “Climate Commitment Act” or it’s cap-and-tax program.
- Total appropriations = $14.55 billion (8% above what was enacted in 2023
- Capital appropriations = $8.38 billion
- Operating appropriations = $6.17 billion ($1.722 billion in debt servicing)
- Department of Transportation = $11.24 billion (11.2% above enacted)
- State Patrol = $667.4 million (2.6% above enacted)
- Department of Licensing = $439.7 million (2.3% above enacted)
- Transportation Improvement Board = $291.9 (0.008% above enacted)
- County Road Administration Board = $116.8 million (3.8% above enacted)
- Traffic Safety Commission = $46.33 million (34.2% above enacted)
Not one dime of money from the ‘Climate Commitment Act’ goes toward roads and bridges. By law, the money can’t go toward roads and bridges. It has to pay for things like bike paths and pedestrian paths. If the CCA is repealed, the transportation budget will not be devastated. It’s $350 million out of a budget worth nearly $7 billion.
Watch: Transportation Budget Release
Senate Republican Transportation Budget Team
Notable Capital Projects
No timing delays, but certain projects must go through a contractor-focused procurement expert review panel before the RFQs may be issued. This includes:
- US 395/NSC Sprague Ave to Spokane River – Stage 2
- US 395/NSC Sprague Ave to Spokane River – Stage 3
- US 395/NSC I-90 to Sprague Ave
- SR 167/I-5 to SR 161 – New Expressway
- I-5/E Fort Lewis River Bridge NB – Replace Bridge
Appropriations Categories
- $15.7 million to the Department of Ecology for electric school bus grants
- $3.26 million for increased tolling customer correspondence costs
- $2.0 million in additional funding for encampments on WSDOT rights of way
- $4.0 million to implement wrong-way driving prevention strategies
- $1.0 million to test speed cameras on state highways
- $500,000 for planning and preliminary engineering on wildlife corridor projects
- $500,000 to explore alternative uses of the state’s highway rights-of-way (pollinator habitats; solar; clean energy items)
- $200,000 to conduct corridor study along SR-904
New "Climate Commitment Act"
$323.9 million in new CCA appropriations. New items come with a January 1, 2025 effective date.
- $50 million for preservation projects with complete streets and active transportation aspects
- $36 million for new and existing projects including:
- Columbia Heights safety improvements
- SR-240/Aaron Dr. completion of street improvements
- Eustis Hunt/216th street sidewalks
- La Center/Pacific Highway shared-use path
- Pierce Transit/Meridian updates
- Cowiche Canyon multimodal trail
- Wallace Kneeland Blvd. intersection – active transportation components
- 72nd Ave./Washington Ave. – active transportation components
- $20 million as a state match for federal hydrogen-fueling station grant programs
New spending for workforce items, including:
- $10 million for additional vessel crew above Coast Guard minimums
- $4.9 million for ongoing labor costs
- $2.1 million additional for the Able Bodied Sailors to Mate program (deck staff)
- $988,000 for the Wiper to Oiler program (engine room staff)
- $935,000 for additional dispatch staff
New capital spending, namely:
- $261.1 million in new CCA revenue for hybrid vessel construction and terminal electrification (Takes effect 01/01/2025)
Local and passenger support, including:
- $4.0 million to support Kitsap Transit passenger-only ferry
- $3.17 million for increased King County water taxi service
- $2.0 million to continue the multi-ride ticket option
- $600,000 to evaluate options for passenger-only ferry service in San Juan Islands
Policy & Study Items
- Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) = $2 million for studies and workgroups, including:
- Evaluation of alternative and innovative project delivery practices, how to streamline local project delivery methods, and transportation project permitting practices.
- Performance review of Washington State Patrol field operations staffing levels, allocations, and performance measures.
- Review of the composition of transit agency boards for best practices.
- Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
- $1.2 million (New CCA) to conduct the research outlined in the department’s 2023 Frequent Transit Service Study
- $1.0 million (New CCA) to work with the Seattle World Cup Organizing Committee to create plans that minimize the use of single-occupancy vehicles during events
- $500,000 to work with Seattle DOT on a digital conflict area awareness management program for AV fleet operators
- Washington State University: $150,000 to convene a work group to develop recommendations on the use of DUI checkpoints
- Traffic Safety Commission
- $2 million for a grant program to supplement DUI enforcement activities
- $750,000 for an ignition interlock dedicated compliance staff pilot program
- Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee (JLARC): $400,000 to evaluate compliance with ignition interlock device requirements
Washington State Patrol
- $5.9 million for a third trooper class
- $4.7 million in vacancy savings restorations
- $1.7 million to conduct the DUI/oral fluid evaluation pilot program
- $289,000 for additional toxicology lab staffing
- $250,000 for expansion of licensing investigation unit activities
- $250,000 for staff and resources to improve compliance with ignition interlock requirements.
Department of Licensing
- $2.1 million for staffing and public awareness campaigns for REAL ID requirements that begin in May 2025
- $1.6 million additional for licensing and information systems updates
- $1.56 million for the Prorate and Fuel Tax Civil Discovery team authorized in EHB 1964
- $1.2 million additional for existing licensing office relocations
- $500,000 additional for driver’s license support services — includes direction to expand support statewide.
- $294,000 for the implementation of ESB 5032 (Impaired Driving)