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Washington State Budget Debate: Inslee's Final Proposal and Ferguson's Fiscal Approach
- Governor Inslee’s budget proposal would add $13 billion in new taxes
- Additional taxes would target Washington employers, raising the cost of doing business
- Republicans suggest that instead of increasing taxes, the state should focus on reducing spending
- The shortfall is not due to a recession or drop in revenue but rather because of overspending
- Senate Republicans have expressed cautious optimism regarding Governor-elect Bob Ferguson’s approach to the state’s fiscal challenges.
- Unlike his predecessor, outgoing Governor Jay Inslee, Ferguson has signaled a willingness to consider spending reductions over tax increases.
TVW: Inside Olympia: Senate Budget Leaders
Republican leaders find hope and promise in the new Democratic governor’s inaugural address
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News from the Caucus
The Elephant in the Dome Podcast: The Truth About The Road Usage Tax and New Tax Hikes
In this episode of Elephant in the Dome, Washington State Senate Republican Leader John Braun joins Tracy Ellis and Laudan Espinoza to break down the controversial Road Usage Charge proposal. Is this new mileage tax just another burden on hardworking Washingtonians? How will it impact rural communities, low-income drivers, and transportation funding? We also dive...
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AUDIO: State Senate Republican leadership update with Senator John Braun
Sen. Braun critiques Democrat-led taxation policies, arguing that taxes on carbon, innovation, payroll, and manufacturing hurt Washington’s economy. He asserts that Republicans can balance the budget without new taxes and urges bipartisan consideration of economic impacts.
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UPDATE: An even worse version of the wood stove bill passed out of committee today
CHAIR OF THE COMMITTE MAKES SENATE BILL 5174 WORSE The bill that would more tightly regulate wood-burning stoves not only passed out of the Senate’s Environment, Energy and Technology Committee today. It did so with an amendment that makes the bill worse. The amendment to Senate Bill 5174, which was offered by the chair of the...
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NEWSFLASH: The week ahead in the Legislature Feb. 17-21
TESTIFY FOR EMERGENCY POWERS REFORM TOMORROW State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections 10:30 a.m. in Senate Hearing Room 2 John A. Cherberg Building Capitol Campus, Olympia HOW TO TESTIFY A bill to reform gubernatorial emergency powers will receive a hearing tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. in the Senate State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections Committee. Senate...
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A bill to overregulate wood stoves due to be voted out of committee tomorrow
HELP STOP SENATE BILL 5174 “This is ridiculous overreach!” – 4th LD Constituent Wood-burning stoves are a critical home-heating source for many homeowners across Washington. Rural families depend on them more than those who live in bigger cities. Lower-income families, seniors on a fixed income, and anyone else trying to make ends meet while energy...
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VIDEO: Sen. Braun on Policing, Budget & Emergency Powers
Sen. John Braun updates on a bill to fund new police hires and shift policing culture. He previews budget details and shares Republican savings plans to avoid tax hikes. He also discusses limits on long-term emergency powers.
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News from the Senators
Former Secretary of State offers timely warning about initiative bill, Wilson says
Former Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed. Read Sam Reed’s letter here. OLYMPIA – A warning from a former Washington secretary of state ought to give lawmakers second thoughts about a bill that aims to restrict the people’s right of initiative, says Sen. Jeff Wilson, R-Longview. Former Secretary of State Sam Reed is warning...
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Senate backs Boehnke bill on quality control for infrastructure projects
Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick/Credit: Washington State Senate OLYMPIA… One of the success stories in Washington state government received the unanimous support of the Washington State Senate, through legislation introduced by Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick. Boehnke’s Senate Bill 5034 would indefinitely extend the work of what’s known as the SYNC team, which comprises representatives from the...
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Two of Boehnke’s higher-ed bills move forward from committee
Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick/Credit: Washington State Senate OLYMPIA… Legislation from Sen. Matt Boehnke aimed at improving access to education was endorsed today by the state Senate’s higher-education committee. Committee members, who include Boehnke, supported two of his bills. One is Senate Bill 5542, to accommodate more enrollment in high-school completion programs at community and technical...
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Goehner concerned about bill to allow more mobile dwelling units
Sen. Keith Goehner/R-Dryden/Credit: Washington State Senate OLYMPIA… Although travel trailers aren’t meant to be used as long-term housing, a bill that recently moved forward from the Senate Housing Committee leans in that direction – too much so for Sen. Keith Goehner. Senate Bill 5332 would expand the areas in which mobile dwelling units (MDUs), such...
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Boehnke files measure to protect lower Snake River dams
Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick/Credit: Washington State Senate OLYMPIA… Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, has filed legislation encouraging federal lawmakers to protect the four lower Snake River dams from removal. Senate Joint Memorial 8010 formally requests approval of the Northwest Energy Security Act, introduced late last month by U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse and an Idaho senator. That...
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Goehner proposes license plate to promote organ donation
Sen. Keith Goehner/R-Dryden/Credit: Washington State Senate OLYMPIA… To raise awareness about the value of organ donation, Sen. Keith Goehner, R-Dryden, has introduced legislation to create a special “Donate Life” license plate. “More than 100,000 people in the U.S. are currently on the transplant waiting list, including nearly 2,000 across the Pacific Northwest. But tragically, 17...
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Social Media

Washington State Senate Republican Caucus
The official Facebook page of the Washington State Senate Republican Caucus
As Washington State continues to face a high cost of living and overall rising crime under the majority Legislative Democrats, they are now moving to redesign our State Flag and remove President George Washington from it (HB 1938). Really?!
CON on HB 1938:
Washington State Facts (Comparing 2013 to 2025)
Crime: WA 30th Most Unsafe in U.S. -> Now 1st
Housing: 12th Most Unaffordable in U.S. -> Now 4th
Rent: 22nd Most Unaffordable in U.S. -> Now 2nd![]()
Homelessness: 8th in U.S. -> Now 2nd
Accountability: Missing $1.17 BILLION of taxpayer money and severe lack of transparency
And this is just scratching the surface. WA deserves better. #UnaffordableWA #UnsafeWA #UnaccountableWA #waleg
Mileage Tax Proposal: 98.7% of 20,100 people who signed-in CON on Legislative Democrats' mileage tax proposal (HB 1921). Bad bills can be defeated with public pressure.
HB 1921 would charge you a 2.6-cent mileage tax on EVERY MILE YOU DRIVE (HB 1921 & SB 5726). Even worse, you would get taxed on an additional 10% of your annual mileage tax sum. A TAX ON A TAX.
People soundly reject this terribly expensive idea, which would hurt rural folks and those on fixed incomes the most. We are fighting against it every step of the way. #MileTax #UnaffordableWA #waleg
Senator Keith Wagoner, from the 39th Legislative District, shares important news about Senate Bill 5434, which focuses on the governor’s emergency powers and restoring the legislature’s role in ending emergencies.![]()
The bill will have a hearing tomorrow, Friday, February 14th, at 10:30 AM. Make sure to weigh in and let your voice be heard in Olympia.![]()
on PRO on SB 5434: #EmergencyPowers #waleg