Search Results for: town hall
SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. Wilson talks to KEDO Radio’s Mike Wallin about guns in museums, campaign finance, tow truck safety, a climate bill’s impact on housing prices, catalytic converter theft, emergency powers and more. ...
Session midpoint: Good, Interesting and Controversial bills
Dear Neighbor, It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through this year’s legislative session. While things continue to be mostly virtual, there was a recent rule change allowing more Senate members on the floor of the chamber when voting on legislation. This update comes at the point during session when lawmakers spend most of their time debating and voting bills out of the Senate. Bills that pass this chamber will be delivered to the House of Representatives and must go ...
9th District legislators to host virtual town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 22
Sen. Mark Schoesler, Rep. Joe Schmick and Rep. Mary Dye are inviting citizens to join them Tuesday, Feb. 22, for a 9th District virtual town hall meeting. The eastern Washington lawmakers will provide an update of the 2022 legislative session and then take questions from participants. Citizens may also submit written questions during the registration process. During the town hall meeting, the 9th District legislative team will discuss several issues, including: The Democrats' mandatory long-term care insurance tax. The state's $8.8 billion ...
12th District legislators to hold virtual town hall meeting Saturday, Feb. 19 at 2 p.m.
Reps. Mike Steele, R-Chelan, and Keith Goehner, R-Dryden, are inviting 12th District citizens to join them for a virtual town hall meeting on Saturday, Feb. 19 at 2 p.m. The lawmakers will be giving an update on the 2022 legislative session and taking live questions from participants. Constituents may submit written questions during the registration process. The remote town hall meeting will be conducted using the Zoom platform. Those who would like to take part in the hour-long event must pre-register in advance ...
SRC On Air: Sen. Ann Rivers on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. Ann Rivers talks to KEDO Radio’s Mike Wallin about the point of the session known as policy cutoff, the challenges of a virtual session, the Governor’s emergency powers, COVID restrictions, and pharmaceutical costs. ...
Sen. Curtis King's Olympia Update - Join us at 14th District Virtual Town Hall February 19
In this update, I cover the first few weeks of the 2022 legislative session and preview the 14th District virtual town hall on February 19. You can read the entire e-newsletter here. ...
SRC On Air: Sen. Lynda Wilson on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. Lynda Wilson talks to KEDO Radio’s Mike Wallin about anti-gun legislation, bad Democrat bills, the governor’s emergency powers, and her tax relief plan. ...
Governor’s salmon recovery plan conflicts with Growth Management Act
Dear Neighbor, It has been a whirlwind start to this year's short legislative session and an extremely busy week. I want to jump right in and update you on several issues I’ve been working on this week. Governor’s salmon recovery plan conflicts with Growth Management Act Salmon recovery has been an ongoing issue affecting our state and region for decades. Lawmakers can all agree that preserving and improving spawning habit is an important element for their survival; what we most certainly do not agree ...
This year's 60-day legislative session is underway; 8th District virtual town hall scheduled for Jan. 31
After a long interim, it's nice to finally be in session and working on issues that are not only critical to us here in the 8th District, but to everyone across the state. Although this year's 60-day session is being conducted remotely, there are many ways you can stay engaged in the legislative process. I encourage you to follow House Republicans on Twitter and Facebook, visit The Ledger, and utilize the resources listed in this document. Finally, please bookmark my ...
SRC On Air: Sen. John Braun on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. John Braun talks to KEDO Radio’s Bruce Pollock about Senate Republican’s Priorities for Washington, gubernatorial emergency powers, energy, land use, agriculture, education, tax reductions and more. ...
SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. Wilson talks to KEDO Radio’s Mike Wallin about frustrations related to session with COVID restrictions, efforts to fix bad laws and reform gubernatorial emergency powers, his bills to crack down on catalytic converter theft and allow people to become energy independent and more. ...
Tax Town Halls
I would like to invite you to share your thoughts at an upcoming Tax Town Hall. There will be discussion on changing the state's tax structure to make it “more equitable." There are various options being considered to change the tax code. One such option is to lower the sales tax or property taxes by increasing taxes on “those that can afford to pay more." Unfortunately, “those that can afford to pay more” can also move and take their tax dollars ...
Ferry Town Hall
Greetings Friends and Neighbors, As you know, many communities in the 10th District are heavily dependent on the state's ferry system. Recent reductions in sailings, especially on the Clinton-Mukilteo route, have led to unacceptable disruptions of service. I am hearing the frustration from constituents and am looking for answers. That is why my seatmates and I are putting together this urgent virtual town hall. The Government Relations Director from the Washington State Ferries will be a guest and provide an update ...
Town Halls
I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Before the Legislature convenes, I need to know what you think I should be working on for our district. A lot of changes are coming our way, new policy battles and possibly a changing district due to redistricting. That is why I’m holding some virtual town halls. We did quite a few of them during session and I was able to get some great feedback. So, here is your chance to do it again. Join me for ...
Rep. Goehner's legislative update: Redistricting public outreach meeting Oct. 5, insurance rates and the latest on the long-term care tax
I hope you had the opportunity to participate in the recent virtual tax town hall put on by the Tax Structure Work Group. I wanted to make you aware of another public meeting on a state issue. As you may know the Washington State Redistricting Commission is going through the process of redrawing the boundaries of our state legislative districts. (They are also redrawing the congressional districts.) Every 10 years our commission goes through this exercise after it has received the census data ...
Two virtual Tax Town Halls tomorrow; House Republican priorities for the 2022 session
I sent my last email update out on June 25, five days before our state was set to fully reopen. On June 30, Governor Inslee was in a celebratory mood, declaring: "We are open big time in the state of Washington." Days later, he told a reporter: "We've won the Super Bowl of the COVID pandemic." Fast-forward to today, and the mood in Washington is anything but celebratory. As the pandemic continues, prizes for vaccinations have been replaced by the governor ...
Rep. Goehner's legislative update: Virtual tax town hall Wednesday provides an opportunity to discuss tax relief
In 2017, a provision was included in the state operating budget that created the Tax Structure Work Group “to identify options to make the Washington state tax code more equitable, adequate, stable and transparent.” That work group is now holding virtual Tax Town Halls to gain input from taxpayers. There are two sessions for our region. Information and registration links below: Central Region | Legislative Districts: 8, 12, 13, 14, 15Wednesday, September 29, 20212:30 – 4:00 p.m. | Register here6:30 – 8:00 p.m. | Register here ...
Public feedback on Democrat police reform
Since House Bills 1310 and 1054 took effect on July 25, 2021, our offices have received many emails from people who are generally concerned about the repercussions of this legislation. All of their concerns center around one idea: The new laws make us less safe. For more information on how law enforcement and our senators feel about this legislation, and to read articles about incidents complicated by these laws, click here. In our constituents' own words... “I’m saddened to see the changes related ...
Rep. Goehner's legislative update: Redistricting, payroll tax for long-term care, impacts of police reforms and more...
I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July and are staying cool this summer. While we are not in session, I wanted to update you on a number of issues. Redistricting Every 10 years after the federal government has compiled their census information, Washington state redraws the boundaries of our legislative and congressional districts to reflect our state's changing populations to ensure each district represents an equal number of residents. The Washington State Redistricting Commission consists ...
Washington set to fully reopen next week
After nearly a year and a half of restrictions, closures and lockdowns, Washington is finally set to fully reopen next week. I know how difficult this time has been for all of you, so I want to thank you for your resilience. It's been nothing short of extraordinary. I've never been prouder to serve the Mighty 8th. As we continue to recover from the pandemic and life increasingly gets back to normal, please know I'm here to serve you 24/7. ...