Search Results for: town hall
SRC On Air: Sen. John Braun on KONA Radio in the Tri Cities and KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. John Braun on KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line and KEDO Radio’s Town Hall talking about education, housing, emergency powers, public safety, and more. KONA Radio's The Bottom Line KEDO Radio's Town Hall ...
AUDIO: Braun: Bipartisan emergency powers reform must happen in 2023
The Halloween end to Governor Inslee’s state of emergency was long overdue according to the state Senate Republican Leader. Tracy Ellis explains. ...
Schoesler says state needs to do more to help stores combat retail crime
State government, including the Legislature, needs to do more to help combat the increase in retail crime in Washington, says 9th District state Sen. Mark Schoesler. “While we’ve seen a spike in many areas of crime, retail theft and other retail crimes are especially a problem,” said Schoesler, R-Ritzville. “Retail crimes hurt not only stores and shops, but also consumers because these crimes force retailers to raise prices. The Legislature, the governor and the attorney general need to take action to ...
Schoesler criticizes Reykdal for wanting to cancel state testing of students
Sen. Mark Schoesler opposes a suggestion by Washington’s highest-ranking elected education official that the state should cancel the testing of student learning levels. During last week’s Washington State Board of Education meeting in Spokane, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal said that using tests to assess the true level of learning students are receiving “means nothing” and that, if he decides he has the authority, he plans to cancel state testing of public K-12 students. At about the 1:00:57 mark of ...
Rep. Keith Goehner: Affordable housing crisis needs new, real solutions
As a member of the House of Representatives Local Government Committee, I clearly see our state’s affordable housing crisis, a culmination of housing policies that were built on good-intentioned legislation with poor results. Meanwhile, our state’s population continues to grow. Over the years, the Legislature has passed bills related to the Growth Management Act (GMA), zoning requirements, and building codes that impose more obligations and negatively impact housing in Washington state. Every year we see incremental changes, layering on more and ...
Seattle's 'Quality of Life Index' aligns with Senate Republican priorities
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun offered the following reaction to poll results released this month by the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce that share insights about what registered voters in Seattle, 60% of whom identify as Democrats, think of the city’s quality of life. Since most Democratic legislators come from districts in King County, the poll represents opinions that have and will influence state law. “It’s very validating to see that the results of this poll line up with the Senate Republican ...
As state coffers overflow, families in the 8th and across Washington are suffering; in-district town hall meeting on Tuesday in Richland
For the first time since February 22, 2020, Rep. Brad Klippert and I are set to host an in-person town hall meeting in Richland. We're really looking forward to meeting with all of you to share our thoughts on this year's 60-day legislative session, take your questions, and discuss the most important issues facing our district and state. Details are as follows: Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2022Time: 7-8 p.m.Location: The Arc of Tri-CitiesAddress: 1455 SE Fowler St., Richland Earlier this year, we held a virtual town hall ...
SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. Wilson talks to KEDO Radio’s Mike Wallin about transportation, catalytic converter thefts, emergency powers, and more. ...
Attend my upcoming town halls!
A recap of the 2022 legislative session: Update from Rep. Paul Harris
Now that the 2022 legislative session has ended it’s time to reflect on what happened over the course of the last 60 days in Olympia. Like all sessions, this one had both good and bad results. Unfortunately, there were also a lot of missed opportunities to pass legislation that would have made a real difference. As your state legislator, I understand I represent everyone from the entire political spectrum. That’s why I do everything I can to work with representatives on ...
Rep Goehner's Legislative Update: Virtual Town Hall thank you, end of session review
The 2022 Legislature adjourned on March 10. The following email update is a little lengthy, but it touches on many issues we have been discussing this session and through the interim. I hope you will take the time to read it and contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. The legislative session was mostly virtual after last year's completely virtual session. The public was not allowed in the legislative buildings and committee hearings were conducted virtually. A small number ...
2022 Legislative session in the rear view mirror
Dear Friends and Neighbors, With the 2022 legislative session now in the rearview mirror, I wanted to update you on some of the highlights of this 60-day legislative session. It has been an honor for me to represent and serve the people of the 16th district and be your voice in Olympia. Much like last year, state spending, tax relief, emergency powers, law enforcement, and gun control captured most of the headlines and I want to share more information on these topics. When ...
14th District legislators pleased to see local projects in final state capital budget
The 14th District team of Sen. Curtis King and Rep. Gina Mosbrucker and Rep. Chris Corry are applauding the new two-year state supplemental capital budget approved by the Legislature this week for including many projects located in their district. "I am very pleased with the level of funding that has been provided to the projects in our district that are included in the capital budget. These projects will help our district for years to come. Representatives Corry and Mosbrucker and I ...
House Democrats pass pickleball legislation, fail to pass emergency powers reform or meaningful tax relief
We just passed the final major deadline of this year's 60-day legislative session, which is scheduled to adjourn next Thursday. Tonight marked the final opportunity for lawmakers in the House to pass bills that originated in the Senate, and vice-versa. The only bills exempted from this deadline are those deemed necessary to implement the budget. While House Democrats found the time tonight to pass a bill that would make pickleball Washington's official state sport, they did not find the time to ...
SRC On Air: Sen. Lynda Wilson on Town Hall on KEDO Radio in Longview
Sen. Lynda Wilson talks to KEDO Radio’s Spencer Boudreau about the governor’s emergency powers, the state operating budget and more. ...
House-proposed supplemental capital budget with $7.76 million in project funding for 12th District approved by committee
Rep. Mike Steele, ranking member and lead negotiator on the House Capital Budget Committee, and Rep. Keith Goehner are pleased to announce today's committee approval of the 2022 supplemental capital budget. The representatives said the supplemental agreement continues the historic work from last year and provides funding for key infrastructure projects across the state and the 12th District. The House proposed 2022 supplemental budget includes a total of $1.5 billion in spending, with $77.4 million in bonds — and leaves $27.6 ...
Join us for a town hall tomorrow!
Dear Neighbor, It’s been a busy week in Olympia! As legislators make their final push to pass bills before the session ends, there are many topics to update you on. That’s why I’m joining my seatmates, Reps. Kelly Chambers and Cyndy Jacobsen for a virtual town hall tomorrow night. I hope you’ll joins us as we update you on many of the issues we have been working on this year. More details can be found below! 2022 Supplemental operating budget – it’s ...
Reps. Keith Goehner and Mike Steele hold a Virtual Town Hall on Feb. 19, 2022
12th District Reps. Mike Steele and Keith Goehner provide an update of the 2022 legislative session and answer questions from constituents during their virtual town hall on Feb. 19, 2022. To listen and watch the town hall click here, or you can click on the photo below. ...
Rep. Goehner's Legislative Update: Virtual Town Hall, emergency powers, long-term care tax, and majority's transportation plan
We have reached the house of origin cutoff. House bills have been sent to the Senate and we start back into committee work and consider bills passed by the opposite chamber. There are a number of issues I want to update you on and let you know about an upcoming town hall event. Please let me know if you have any questions about this email update or other legislative issues. Virtual Town Hall Mark your calendar and be sure to join Rep. ...
Two of my bills approved by the House
Today marks the end of the fifth week of the 2022 legislative session. We have 27 days to go and a lot of things left to tackle. Before I get to legislative updates, however, I wanted to offer my deepest condolences to all who knew and loved Justin Krumbah. His senseless murder was a shock to me, as I know it was to all of you. I want to thank those of you who took the time yesterday to gather ...