Accusation that economist was told to lie about projected gas price increase ‘very disturbing,’ says Braun

Accusation that economist was told to lie about projected gas price increase ‘very disturbing,’ says Braun

WSDOT actions latest example of executive mismanagement, lack of accountability OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, offered the following comments in reaction to a KING-TV story about a lawsuit that reportedly will be filed soon on behalf of a...

Opening our doors – and our hearts – to Ukrainian refugees

When war broke out in the Ukraine, I sponsored a $19 million budget amendment to support Ukrainian refugees in Washington state. Now it’s time to ask – how are we doing? Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Chris Gildon’s subscribers Sept. 25, 2023. To...

Mid-interim update: What’s with the high gas prices?

Sept. 12,  2023 Hi, Neighbors! For legislators, the period between our annual sessions is called the “interim.” Seeing how it’s been about four months since the 2023 legislative session ended and there are about four months before next year’s legislative session...