Leadership Blog

News from the Caucus

March 10, 2015
Mike Padden

Senate unanimously passes Padden bill to simplify collection of forensic samples

On Monday the Senate unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Sen. Mike Padden aimed at making it easier for law enforcement to obtain blood samples for forensic testing in criminal investigations – especially those concerning DUI offenses. “In some jurisdictions there is up to a five-hour delay in acquiring an authorized blood sample,” said Padden,...
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March 05, 2015
Judy Warnick

Community economic revitalization bill adopted by Senate

Sen. Judy Warnick has been working for two years to boost rural economic development with changes to the Community Economic Revitalization Board. Today the Senate passed Senate Bill 5442 which makes needed changes to the Board’s requirements to improve competitiveness and spur economic growth. The Board offers financing and grants to local jurisdictions but requires...
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March 03, 2015
Mark Schoesler

Senate delivers on transportation – can we avoid a political detour in the House?

It took three long years, but after bipartisan negotiations, public meetings in 10 cities, extensive study and much debate in Olympia, the state Senate delivered on its promise to reform Washington’s broken transportation system. With a bipartisan vote Monday we passed a statewide transportation package that creates 200,000 jobs, gets our economy moving, fixes our...
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March 03, 2015
Mike Padden

A lingering stink regarding judicial fairness

Last year there was a furor when it appeared the staff of the Office of Insurance Commissioner leaned on a judge in order to obtain favorable decisions. This rather troubling situation was possible because the judge in question, Patricia Petersen, was employed by the Insurance Commissioner’s office. But here’s the part I think ought to...
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March 02, 2015
Mike Padden

Senate approves Padden bill to increase judicial independence

Today the Senate approved a bill sponsored by Sen. Mike Padden aimed at increasing the independence of the state’s administrative-law judges by limiting the ability of state-agency heads to add undue pressure or retribution during administrative hearings. “I was a district court judge for 12 years,” said Padden, who chairs the Senate Law and Justice...
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March 02, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

We said we would deliver and we did

Statement from Senate Majority Leader Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, on passage of the Senate transportation package. “We said we would deliver and we did. Today’s bipartisan vote on a statewide transportation package creates 200,000 jobs, gets our economy moving, fixes our crumbling highways and provides more accountability in the way we manage our transportation dollars. That’s a...
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February 27, 2015
Mike Padden

Senate budget committee backs Padden’s felony-DUI bill

Sen. Mike Padden’s bill to make a fourth DUI conviction in 10 years a felony is one step closer to Senate passage, after receiving a “do-pass” recommendation from the Senate’s Ways and Means committee today. “We heard from the family of Russell Bartlett, a wonderful man who volunteered at hospices, who was mowed down at...
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February 26, 2015
John Braun

TVW The Impact: ‘Is increasing state employee salaries the right priority?’

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February 24, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

Washington teacher’s union supports convicted child molesters receiving state funded pensions

In Washington, public employees who commit a crime don’t lose their taxpayer guaranteed retirements, and teachers can earn the right to a lifetime retirement after working for as little as five years. In Washington, public employees who commit a crime don’t lose their taxpayer guaranteed retirements, and teachers can earn the right to a lifetime...
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February 24, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

The SMART Act: Measuring outputs, not just inputs

Much of the public discussion and advocacy surrounding the budget writing process often tends to focus on inputs, or the amount of taxpayer dollars spent on a particular program. The Legislature has an equally important duty to study the outputs, or the actual results of the way they spend taxpayer dollars. Accountability and transparency are...
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February 24, 2015
Mike Padden

Senate approves Padden bill to update mental-evaluation law

Today the Senate approved a bill sponsored by Sen. Mike Padden that would allow courts to order a mental evaluation of an offender, even if the Department of Corrections does not file a presentence report. While such reports are required, they are no longer routinely prepared by DOC. “One of the most important things that...
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February 24, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

Senate continues to offer better solutions and ideas to move Washington forward

“We continue to offer better solutions and ideas to move Washington forward. The cutoff for policy bills shows that we’re serious about job growth, funding education as a first priority, and making sure the state lives within its means. We’re making great progress on transportation reforms, student achievement and helping families realize the dream of...
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