News from the Caucus
Senate Republican leadership: Illegal veto sets dangerous precedent, must not be allowed to stand
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican leadership issued the following statement in response to the lawsuit announced by the Washington State Legislature against Gov. Jay Inslee for an illegal veto of six single-sentence provisions in the state’s 2019-21 transportation budget (House Bill 1160). The Senate Facilities & Operations Committee, along with the House Executive Rules Committee, voted unanimously...
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Seattle lawsuit part of strategy to force income tax on state, McKenna says
Democratic legislators ask Court of Appeals to overrule Washington voters OLYMPIA – When majority Democrats in the state Legislature decided this wasn’t the year to push a new income tax, it didn’t mean the fight was over. The battleground just moved from the Legislature to the courts. The state Court of Appeals heard oral arguments...
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Senate Republicans warn bill to move up state primary would undo 25 years of campaign finance reform
Senate Bill 5270 a step backward to the dark days of campaigns sullying Legislative ethics OLYMPIA…A bill sponsored by Senate Democrats to move the state primary election to earlier in the year reminds many at the Capitol of the dark days when campaigns and Legislative ethics were blatantly ignored, leading to scandal and sweeping...
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State resources illegally used for Democrat campaign training, says Schoesler
Demands in letter to Democrat leader campaign group’s reservations be canceled OLYMPIA…It is illegal for state resources to be used for campaign purposes, including training, but that is what Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville says is happening at the Legislative Building in Olympia this session. Schoesler sent a letter to Sen. Democrat Leader Billig...
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Inslee nominee to Housing Finance Commission convicted of domestic violence
Senate Democrats unanimously pass nomination out of committee despite knowing nominee lied about his record OLYMPIA…Senate Republican leadership issued the following statement in response to a unanimous vote by Senate Democrats in the Senate Housing Stability and Affordability Committee to pass Noe Castillo’s gubernatorial nomination out of committee, despite a conviction for domestic violence and...
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Schoesler and Warnick welcome appointment of Ybarra to 13th District vacancy
On the first day of the 2019 legislative session, commissioners from Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln and Yakima counties appointed longtime Quincy resident Alex Ybarra to the state House of Representatives to fill a vacant seat in the delegation. Ybarra was immediately sworn in upon appointment and will join Sen. Judy Warnick and Rep. Tom Dent as...
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Senate Republican Caucus announces 2019 Committee Assignments
The Washington State Senate Republican Caucus announces its 2019 Standing Committee assignments, which were finalized today: 2019 SRC Standing Committees List Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks (4D/3R) Warnick* Honeyford Short Early Learning & K-12 Education (7D/4R) Hawkins* Holy Padden Wagoner Energy, Climate & Technology (6D/3R) Ericksen* Brown Sheldon Environment...
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Senate Republicans Announce 2019 Leadership
OLYMPIA…The Washington State Senate Republican Caucus announces its 2019 leadership, which it elected today: Leader: Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville Caucus Chair: Sen. Randi Becker, R-Eatonville Floor Leader: Sen. Shelly Short, R-Addy Whip: Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center Deputy Leader: Sen. Sharon Brown, R-Kennewick Caucus Vice Chair: Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake Deputy Floor Leader: ...
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Episode 5 – Affordable Housing & Homelessness Package
The views expressed by individual members are not necessarily those of the entire caucus.
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Episode 4 – Mental Health Package
The views expressed by individual members are not necessarily those of the entire caucus.
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Senate Republicans’ plan addresses affordable-housing problem in Washington
Legislation focuses on increasing supply of housing to help reduce homelessness Senate Republicans announced today they will introduce a package of bills in 2019 to address one of the main causes of Washington’s homelessness problem: the lack of affordable and available housing. At a news conference held at Quixote Village, an Olympia-based community of 30...
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Schoesler: We must redouble our efforts to keep Amazon jobs in Washington
Senate Republican leader concerned for retail leviathan’s future investment in local job growth OLYMPIA…Amazon’s announcement today of two locations – New York City and Arlington, Virginia – as the homes for new headquarters ends the long and closely watched search for its next wave of investment and employment. The decision also begins a new conversation...
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