Leadership Blog

News from the Caucus

May 22, 2015
Ann Rivers

Sen. Rivers: ‘A message to our teachers’

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May 11, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

2015: Best year for K-12 education funding in decades

Washington’s education union is planning a series of one-day strikes protesting the Legislature’s work on education funding. See here for information on the strike. What have lawmakers done for students this year? Greatest new investment in K-12 of any budget in state history Bipartisan efforts would invest in all-day kindergarten, K-3 class size reduction and...
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May 07, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

2015 – A great year for education

Washington’s education union is planning a series of one-day strikes protesting the Legislature’s work on education funding. See here for information on the strike. What have lawmakers done for students this year? Greatest new investment in K-12 of any budget in state history Bipartisan efforts would invest in all-day kindergarten, K-3 class size reduction and...
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April 21, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

School Superintendents speak out on the importance of finishing state budget on time

“School districts depend so much on the Legislature to complete their work on time so that we can complete our work.  Whether it’s hiring teachers to reduce class size, adding more sections of full-day kindergarten, or purchasing busses, until the Legislature approves a budget, we are unable to move forward with our planning and decision-making. ...
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February 24, 2015
Senate Republican Caucus

Washington teacher’s union supports convicted child molesters receiving state funded pensions

In Washington, public employees who commit a crime don’t lose their taxpayer guaranteed retirements, and teachers can earn the right to a lifetime retirement after working for as little as five years. In Washington, public employees who commit a crime don’t lose their taxpayer guaranteed retirements, and teachers can earn the right to a lifetime...
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February 11, 2015
John Braun

MEDIA ADVISORY: Sens. Bailey and Braun announce major revamp to college tuition

OLYMPIA… Students will join chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee, Sen. Barbara Bailey and Deputy Majority Leader, Sen. John Braun to unveil a new plan for higher education affordability in a news conference Thursday, Feb. 12.   Date:               Thursday, Feb. 12 at 12:45 p.m. Locations:      Senate Hearing Room 2, John A. Cherberg Bldg.
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