Leadership Blog

News from the Caucus

February 16, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Sen. John Braun with an update on the 2024 Legislative Session. Taxes, Education, and more

Sen. John Braun provides an update on where key bills from the Senate Republican Caucus stand in the legislative process.
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February 12, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: I-2109 and I-2111 End Income Taxes

The fight against income taxes is heating up with two initiatives to the state legislature. Initiative 2109 would repeal the capital gains income tax. Initiative 2111 would ban all state and local income taxes.
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February 09, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Sen. Nikki Torres on AL PUNTO on Univision

She worked with her parents in the fields; now she’s the first Latina state Senator from Central Washington.  
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February 08, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: State Senate Republican Caucus news conference on bill expected to raise property taxes and rents

SB 5770 would triple the allowable property tax growth rate for local governments from 1% to 3%, costing taxpayers $6 billion over the next 12 years. It will raise property taxes AND it will raise rents, which renters can’t afford during Washington’s affordable housing crisis.
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February 07, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

AUDIO: Property-tax hike most destructive bill this session

Higher property taxes and rents could be on the way if legislation headed to the state Senate floor eventually becomes law. Tracy Ellis reports the bill triples the allowable property tax growth rate for local governments.
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February 02, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Initiative 2117 Repeal Cap-and-Tax

Initiative 2117 would repeal the state cap-and-trade scheme known as the Climate Commitment Act enacted by Democrats. Governor Jay Inslee claimed any effect on gas prices from the policy would be ‘minimal’ or ‘pennies.’ It’s estimated that cap-and-tax has increased Washington’s gas costs by as much as 50 cents a gallon.
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January 26, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Initiative 2113 Police Pursuits

Restores the authority of a peace officer to engage in a vehicular pursuit when there is reasonable suspicion a person has violated the law and the officer follows appropriate safety standards
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January 25, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Sen. John Braun talks about a ban on natural gas, taxes, and initiatives to the Legislature.

Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, gives us an update on the 2024 Legislative Session. He explains a House bill that would ban the use of natural gas, a policy that could be dangerous in cold snaps. He also discusses important and costly tax bills, and the initiatives that are before the Legislature.
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January 18, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Senate Republican Leader John Braun provides an update on the 2024 Legislative Session

Senate Republican Leader John Braun, 20th Legislative District, shares information about the bills and initiatives before the Washington State Legislature this legislative session. Critical items that would help undo damage done by majority Democrat policies.
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January 17, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Democrat bill (SB 5770) triples increase in property tax rate

Governments in Washington now can collect 1% more annually in property tax without having to seek voter approval. SB 5770 would allow that increase to be as much as 3%. This is forecast to raise taxes by $12 billion over the next 10 years.
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January 11, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

VIDEO: Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, shares his first weekly 2024 video update from Olympia

Senate Republican Leader John Braun, 20th Legislative District, welcomes you to the 2024 Legislative Session and outlines his top priorities. These include securing a safer Washington, fighting for an affordable Washington, and building a better future for Washington’s children.
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January 09, 2024
Senate Republican Caucus

AUDIO/VIDEO: State Senator Nikki Torres gives the Republican perspective on the 2024 legislative session

In the response to Governor Jay Inslee’s State of the State Address, Republicans say his government has let people down. Cassidy Butler explains. Watch the entire response
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