Senator John Braun says it seems like Democrats want to go after legal gun owners instead of people using guns illegally in crime. Senator Shelly Short has two examples of House bills that she fears would eat away at 2nd Amendment rights. Senator Jeff Wilson talks...
Shelly Short
AUDIO: 7th District Legislative Update
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Sen. Shelly Short Topics: Hearings on bills that threaten 2nd Amendment Rights
SRC On Air: Sen. Shelly Short on KPQ Radio in Wenatchee
Sen. Shelly Short on KPQ radio talking about hard drug possession, police pursuits, 2nd Amendment rights, the Growth Management Act, and more.
VIDEO: Sen. Shelly Short: Latest developments on police pursuits and drugs
Did the Legislature go too far two years ago when it blocked police pursuits and decriminalized hard drugs? Sen Shelly Short discusses the biggest debates in the Senate so far this year. She says proposed fixes don’t go far enough.
AUDIO: 7th District Legislative Update
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Sen. Shelly Short Topics: police pursuits, hard drug possession, Growth Management Act
AUDIO: 7th District Legislative Update
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Sen. Shelly Short Topic: Bill that threatens the rights of parents
SRC On Air: Sen. Shelly Short on KPQ Radio in Wenatchee
Sen. Shelly Short on KPQ radio talking about bills that change the Growth Management Act, threaten the rights of parents, craft new ergonomic rules that overturn the will of voters, and create a domestic violent extremism commission.
VIDEO: Sen. Shelly Short Legislative Update
Sen. Shelly Short discusses three bills soon to be debated on the Senate floor -- protecting local pharmacies, an attempt to override the people on ergonomics regulation, and linking the state's land-use policies to climate change issues.
VIDEO: TVW: Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability
Senate and House Republican leaders gather for their weekly media availability. This week they talk about hard drugs, police pursuits, housing, hospitals, learning loss, domestic extremism, ergonomics, mandatory voting, abortion, executive privilege, and more....
State Senate Republicans want local control of schools
Republican Senators speak against a Democrat bill mandating a certain amount of recess. A Senator sponsors a bill to rein in the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. And the Ranking Republican on the Senate Education Committee details some disturbing trends.
AUDIO: 7th District Legislative Update
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Sen. Shelly Short Topics: Bills to regulate pharmacy benefit managers, create ergonomic rules, and add climate change to the Growth Management Act.
VIDEO: Sen. Shelly Short Legislative Update
Sen. Shelly Short discusses the Legislature's enormous conflict over police-pursuit legislation -- the devastating effect of the Legislature's two-year ban on police pursuits, the resistance of Democratic leaders to sensible solutions, the political ideology behind...