As Washingtonians are forced to comply with the governor’s restrictions, Republican legislative leaders say there’s no accountability from agencies involved in the pandemic response. Tracy Ellis explains.

As Washingtonians are forced to comply with the governor’s restrictions, Republican legislative leaders say there’s no accountability from agencies involved in the pandemic response. Tracy Ellis explains.
Republican state Senators Doug Ericksen, John Braun and Mark Schoesler react to Governor Jay Inslee's COVID restrictions on KOMO TV CLICK TO WATCH
State Senate Republicans John Braun and Shelly Short were part of a Zoom media availability to announce a proposal for a special session to address impacts of the COVID-19 public health crisis. The views expressed by individual members are not...
Members of the Senate Republican Caucus discuss homelessness funding in the 2020 Supplemental State Operating Budget during a news conference at the State Capitol. The views expressed by individual members are not necessarily those of the entire caucus.
August 26th is the 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. State Senate Republican Floor Leader Shelly Short and Senate Caucus Vice Chair Judy Warnick share their thoughts. Click here for more information on our...
State Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler and Republican Senator Hans Zeiger spoke at the annual Associated Press Legislative Preview for the 2020 session. The views expressed by individual members are not necessarily those of the entire caucus.