Senator Shelly Short on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about Democrat proposed tax increases, the bill restoring police pursuits, and her bill clarifying the role of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Senator Shelly Short on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about Democrat proposed tax increases, the bill restoring police pursuits, and her bill clarifying the role of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Senator Mike Padden on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about the state budget, the Snake River Dams, increasing penalties for jail guards who sexually assault those in their custody, and making motorized wheelchairs and other mobility-improving equipment...
Senator Mark Schoesler on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about the Senate Capital Budget, Cap-and-Trade, and the North-South Freeway in Spokane.
Senator John Braun on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about Senate Republican priorities for the 2023 Legislative Session and the prospects of bipartisanship.
Senator Judy Warnick on 920 News Now with Teresa Lukens and Dave Spencer talking about state budgets, emergency powers reform, and increased participation in the legislative process.
Senator Jeff Holy on 920 News Now with Teresa Lukens and Dave Spencer talking about state budgets and transportation.
Senator Mike Padden on 920 News Now with Teresa Lukens and Dave Spencer talking about anti-police bills and his DUI legislation.
Senator Mark Schoesler on 920 News Now with Teresa Lukens and Dave Spencer talking about his bill to repeal the long-term care payroll tax.
Senator Shelly Short on 920 News Now with Kris Siebers and Teresa Lukens talking about the state budget, gubernatorial emergency powers, the long-term care payroll tax, anti-police laws passed last year, housing, and transportation....
Senator Mike Padden on 920 News Now with Kris Siebers and Teresa Lukens talking about state budgets, an income tax on capital gains, and his felony DUI lookback bill.
Senator John Braun on 920 News Now with Kris Siebers and Teresa Lukens talking about safely reopening our schools and economy.
Senator Judy Warnick on 920 News Now with Kris Siebers and Teresa Lukens talking about the Democrats' income tax on capital gains and the Republican plan to safely reopen our economy.