Where does the Hirst Fix stand as of March 31 Senate Bill 5239 Press release on passage of SB 5239 Sen. Judy Warnick's testimony on the Hirst fix Sen. Shelly Short discusses...
What the sponsor of the Hirst-fix legislation has been saying
Read more about the what the chair of the Senate's water-related committee, Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, has been doing to help rural families suffering as a result of the flawed Hirst decision. Since the regular session, Warnick who sponsored the Hirst-fix...
Press Coverage of Hirst
Legislature must find water-well solution - Spokesman Editorial The Impact "Hirst decision debated between House and Senate" - KOZI "Legislature gearing up for Hirst bill negotiations" - The Columbian "State Senate passes bill (again) aimed at solving controversy over...
Details about the Hirst decision
In late 2016, the state Supreme Court issued a ruling resulting from a challenge to rules in Whatcom County relating to the Growth Management Act. The ruling turned decades of water law on its head by requiring local jurisdictions, such as counties, to make...
Fix Hirst ruling while work toward McCleary agreement continues
It obviously has not been easy for lawmakers to come up with legislation that fixes the constitutional issue about school levies raised in the McCleary ruling, treats students and taxpayers in 295 diverse districts equitably and responds to long-standing compensation...