Seen and Heard 8

Mar 8, 2025

Sen. Braun

Senate Republican Leader John Braun updates us on the 2025 legislative session in Washington.

Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability

Sen. Braun Constitutional Amendment

Sen. John Braun SB 5085 Closed Retirement Plans

KOMO: Will rent control bill help or hurt housing costs in Washington State? Braun

The Elephant in the Dome Podcast: Anti-Semitism on Campus, Public Safety, and Washington’s Budget Crisis

AUDIO: Senate Republican Leadership Update with State Senator John Braun


Sen. Boehnke

Budget Battles in Olympia – Sen Matt Boehnke’s Update

Boehnke says passage of environmental law bill was premature

SRC On Air: Sen. Matt Boehnke Discusses Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Efforts and Business Climate in Washington

AUDIO: Boehnke says passage of environmental law bill was premature


Sen. Christian

Senate approves bill that opens law-abiding gun owners to prosecution, Christian says

SRC On Air: Sen. Leonard Christian on The Commute with Carlson on KVI Radio

AUDIO: Senate approves bill exposing law-abiding gun owners to prosecution, while protecting no one, Christian says

VIDEO: KING 5: Senate passes bill requiring clergy to report abuse, legislation heads to House


Sen. Fortunato

Sen. Phil Fortunato Calls Out Democrat Inaction on Protecting Girls in Sports

Sen. Phil Fortunato: Killing the Golden Goose: Unemployment Insurance while on Strike

SRC On Air: Sen. Phil Fortunato on The Lars Larson Show

AUDIO: Sen. Phil Fortunato Calls Out Democrat Inaction on Protecting Girls in Sport


Sen. Gildon

Senator Chris Gildon’s Legislative Update — March 7, 2025

SRC On Air: Sen. Chris Gildon on The Commute with Carlson on KVI Radio


Sen. Goehner

Washington’s Budget Crisis & Key Bills Moving Forward – Sen. Keith Goehner

SRC On Air: Sen. Keith Goehner Talks Ferries, Transportation Funding, and Road Usage Fees on KONA


Sen. King

Senator Curtis King on bill that provides unemployment insurance to striking workers

KIMA (King and Torres): State senators push back against proposed mileage tax bill to replace vehicle taxes


Sen. MacEwen

Senator Drew MacEwen Slams Proposed Road Usage Charge—A New Tax on Washington Drivers

Sen. Drew MacEwen—The Urgent Need for More Ferries: A Call to Action

Sen Drew MacEwen on Shipbuilding and Federal Collaboration

AUDIO: MacEwen, Muzzall call for urgent action on building state ferry fleet


Sen. McCune

Sen Jim McCune SB 5123 Discrimination in schools


Sen. Muzzall

Teach With TVW—On The Issues—Natural Resources—Sustainable Agriculture Policies with Sen Ron Muzzall

Senator Ron Muzzall on bill that provides unemployment insurance to striking workers

Sen. Ron Muzzall on Ferry Delays & Budget Overruns

AUDIO: MacEwen, Muzzall call for urgent action on building state ferry fleet

AUDIO: Sen. Muzzall’s bills to improve health care access, quality pass state Senate


Sen. Schoesler

Sen. Mark Schoesler 2025 session week 8 update

AUDIO: 9th District Legislative Update with State Senator Mark Schoesler

Pullman Radio (no link)

Sen. Short

AUDIO: 7th District Legislative Update with State Senator Shelly Short

SRC On Air: Sens. Judy Warnick and Shelly Short on KPQ Radio in Wenatchee

SRC On Air: Sen. Shelly Short on KOZI Radio in Chelan

SRC/HRC On Air: Sen. Shelly Short and Reps. Andrew Enegell and Hunter Abell on KOMW in Omak


Sen. Torres

Senator Nikki Torres Press Conference

AUDIO: Sen. Nikki Torres’ School Safety Bill Gets House Hearing, Joined by National Advocate Lori Alhadeff


Sen. Wagoner

Sen. Wagoner: State Employee Furloughs = Less for More

Sen. Wagoner: State is Worst Landlord

Cracking Down on Armed Felons Senator Keith Wagner’s New Bill

AUDIO: Wagoner bill to help veterans moves to House


Sen. Warnick

SRC On Air: Sens. Judy Warnick and Shelly Short on KPQ Radio in Wenatchee


Sen. Wilson

Sen. Jeff Wilson | SB 5552 | Kit Homes/Building Codes

SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson Talks Forever Chemicals, Housing, and Taxes on KONA

AUDIO: 19th District Legislative Update with State Senator Jeff Wilson

SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on Local Matters on Timber Country 94.7 in Aberdeen

AUDIO: Wilson kit home bill is passed by Senate – Bill directs state Building Code Council to develop rules specifically for kit homes