If the House’s sports-wagering bill receives approval by the Senate before the 2020 session ends, the legislation (House Bill 2638) would front the state Gambling Commission $6 million to get going right away with “enforcement actions in the illicit market for sports...
Senate Republican Caucus
The taxes are coming! The taxes are coming!
I’ve never seen state government in such good financial shape when the Legislature is needing to adopt a new two-year budget. The Senate and House shouldn’t have any problem coming up with a no-new-taxes budget that is good for mental-health services, and...

Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler and Senator Steve O’Ban talk about farmers accused of having slaves, ethics violations, Sound Transit, long term care, gun control, prisoners being let out early, vaccinations, and a carbon tax.
The views expressed by individual members are not necessarily those of the entire caucus.
Inslee misses deadline for releasing real budget – and why that budget is the real story
The orcas won’t want to hear this, but the $54 billion budget Governor Inslee brought out last week is not the proposal he was required to submit to the Legislature. Under a state law dating to at least 1959, the governor is to provide a budget document based on “the...
When it comes to taxes and spending, is Inslee insatiable?
Governor Inslee had included tax increases in all six budgets he’d submitted to the Legislature during his time in office. I figured he was a lock to make it 7-for-7, in the proposal he’d be putting on the table for 2019. Even so, I was amazed by what the governor...

Senate Republicans’ plan addresses affordable-housing problem in Washington
Legislation focuses on increasing supply of housing to help reduce homelessness Senate Republicans announced today they will introduce a package of bills in 2019 to address one of the main causes of Washington’s homelessness problem: the lack of affordable and...
State Hispanic Commission recognizes our efforts to improve minority-owned business opportunities
Senate passes the Small Business Bonding Relief bill
Women’s History Month 2015
Narrated by Senator Parlette, this video commemorates Women's History Month by recognizing the achievements of the women in Washington's past that paved the way for women in leadership today.