High School students don’t always know about financial aid that could help them attend college. A bill passed by the state Legislature aims to do something about that. Tracy Ellis reports.

High School students don’t always know about financial aid that could help them attend college. A bill passed by the state Legislature aims to do something about that. Tracy Ellis reports.
It’ll be easier for volunteers to help maintain and preserve public lands if a bill passed by the state legislature becomes law. Tracy Ellis explains.
Making home ownership more attainable by cutting red tape for new smaller condominium buildings is the aim of a bill that passed in the state Legislature. Tracy Ellis reports.
State Legislative Republicans – Sens. John Braun and Matt Boehnke and Reps. Drew Stokesbary and Mike Steele – hold a weekly media availability to discuss the very latest in the 2024 legislative session. https://youtu.be/qmL4ifluGqE
Sen. Brad Hawkins on KOZI Radio talking about the legislative process, initiatives to the Legislature, state budgets, his “Walking Start to Running Start” bill and more.
Senator Mike Padden on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about the passage of the initiative on police pursuits, child fentanyl overdoses, and repeat property criminals and D-U-I offenders.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with John Carlson of KVI Radio about the initiatives to the Legislature, property tax increase proposals, rent control, the bill that allows Puget Sound Energy to start the process of banning natural gas, unemployment insurance for striking...
Sen. John Braun talks with John Carlson of KVI Radio about the initiatives to the Legislature, rent control, the bill that allow Puget Sound Energy to start the process of banning natural gas, unemployment insurance for striking workers, and more.
Three initiatives to the state Legislature will become law in three months after a flurry of action today (Mon) in Olympia. Tracy Ellis reports.
Expect to pay more to heat your home in the future as the state Legislature hands Washington’s largest private utility a gift. Tracy Ellis reports.
The shortage of public defenders and prosecutors in Washington is a crisis. A bill passed by the state Legislature should help. Tracy Ellis explains.
The Senate Law and Justice Committee approved Initiative-2113, which would repeal the law that placed restrictions on police pursuits. The initiative is expected to come before the full Senate soon. Senator Wilson shares his thoughts.