Sen. John Braun talks to KGMI Radio Saturday Morning Live host Charlie Crabtree about a possible natural gas ban, police pursuit bills, a proposed property tax increase, the state operating budget, and more.

Sen. John Braun talks to KGMI Radio Saturday Morning Live host Charlie Crabtree about a possible natural gas ban, police pursuit bills, a proposed property tax increase, the state operating budget, and more.
Senator Mark Schoesler talks to Lars Larson about how Washington’s cap-and-trade program is more than twice as expensive as predicted.
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Sen. Shelly Short Topics: Hearings on bills that threaten 2nd Amendment Rights
Washington's kids are suffering from years of learning loss in the wake of the COVID shutdowns. Senate Republicans are fighting for funding a variety of solutions, including pushing more money for special education students.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about impacts to farmers from cap-and-trade, natural gas and Puget Sound Energy’s market maneuvers, and crime and hard drugs; including catalytic converter and car thefts, police pursuits, and...
Sen. Shelly Short on KPQ radio talking about hard drug possession, police pursuits, 2nd Amendment rights, the Growth Management Act, and more.
Listen to this 20th District Legislative Update with Sen. John Braun Topic: New restrictions on firearms and lesser penalties for gun crimes from Democrats this legislative session
Listen to this 19th District Legislative Update with Sen. Jeff Wilson Topic: Bill to combat catalytic converter theft
Those blinking red lights on top of wind turbines would be off most of the time if a bill now in the state Senate becomes law. Tracy Ellis tells us about a hearing on the measure scheduled for Friday morning.
Sen. Jeff Wilson attends a Crime Victims' Call to Action at the Capitol Building. A resolution honoring crime victims was revealed. Legislators outlined current legislative efforts related to crime.
Did the Legislature go too far two years ago when it blocked police pursuits and decriminalized hard drugs? Sen Shelly Short discusses the biggest debates in the Senate so far this year. She says proposed fixes don’t go far enough.
Senator Jeff Wilson talks to Lars Larson about his bill to combat catalytic converter theft.