New leadership for State Senate Republicans. Tracy Ellis reports.

New leadership for State Senate Republicans. Tracy Ellis reports.
Senator Mark Schoesler talks to KTTH’s Jason Rantz about what it takes to be the Senate Republican Leader.
Republican Sen. Doug Ericksen discusses the Democrat's plan for a virtual legislative session and election security with KVI’s John Carlson.
Governor Inslee’s COVID restrictions on fitness centers and youth sports don’t make sense according to state Senate Republicans. Tracy Ellis reports.
Sen. Brad Hawkins talks with KOHO Morning Show host Chris Hansen about issues related to the upcoming session, including COVID challenges and the budget. They also discuss the Senator’s Listening Tour.
State Sen. Doug Ericksen says he's worried about what the shutdown is doing to businesses and the economy in this KING 5 report.
Governor Inslee’s 135-million-dollar COVID relief package is a start, but not nearly enough according to the state Senate Republican Leader. Tracy Ellis explains.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks to KIRO's Dave Ross about Gov. Inslee's COVID restrictions, assistance for employers and the need for a special session.
Our state is now collecting enough revenue to avoid major cuts and tax hikes. Does that mean it’s time for government to use money that’s already in hand to help businesses devastated by Governor Inslee’s COVID restrictions? Tracy Ellis tells us that at least one...
Following the Nov. 18 release of Washington’s final state-government revenue forecast for 2020, Sen. John Braun, who is Senate Republican budget leader and a member of the state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council, responded to a reporter’s question and comments...
State Senator Brad Hawkins says he’s very encouraged by the improved state revenue forecast that was unveiled today (Wed). The East Wenatchee Republican says the latest projections show increases of 634-million-dollars for the current budget and...
Republican state Senators Doug Ericksen, John Braun and Mark Schoesler react to Governor Jay Inslee's COVID restrictions on KOMO TV CLICK TO WATCH