Sen. Brad Hawkins talks to Kevin Rounce on the KPQ Morning Report about the challenges of a remote legislative session, vaccine distribution, wildfire prevention and more.

Sen. Brad Hawkins talks to Kevin Rounce on the KPQ Morning Report about the challenges of a remote legislative session, vaccine distribution, wildfire prevention and more.
A state Senator is calling for a “School Employee Vaccination Day.” Tracy Ellis has more.
A resolution extending 26 of Governor Jay Inslee’s pandemic-related proclamations indefinitely passed in the state Senate despite all Republicans voting against it. Tracy Ellis has more.
State Senator Doug Ericksen’s “Freedom Package” of bills is designed to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms granted to the citizenry of Washington. Tracy Ellis explains.
Washington State Senator Ron Muzzall gives an impassioned floor speech on the need for the legislature to make decisions on proclamations and the pain COVID restrictions are causing some people.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with KONA's The Bottom Line about a Democrat move to extend the governor's emergency proclamations, how restrictions on restaurants should be relaxed, and barriers to democracy in Olympia.
Legislative Republican leaders comment on Governor Inslee's Inaugural Address and discuss their priorities for the 2021 legislative session during a virtual media availability.
Sen. Jeff Wilson talks with KXRO's Kyle Pauley about his first session as a Senator, increased security measures around the capitol that hinder people's access to democracy, some of the bills he's supporting and more....
Senate Republican Leader John Braun tells KTTH’s Jason Rantz that Democrats are hindering access to Democracy with their COVID rules.
Increase affordable housing and reduce barriers to condo construction are the goals of bill in the legislature. Tracy Ellis tells us the timing is right with lingering COVID uncertainty and skyrocketing housing prices.
Senators John Braun, Sharon Brown, Doug Ericksen, Phil Fortunato, Mike Padden and Shelly Short are featured in Seattle TV news reports: Q13 KOMO1 KOMO2 KING
Sen. Mike Padden talks to KIRO Radio's Dori Monson about his impassioned floor speech when he asked Gov. Inslee to take down the wall around the Capitol and allow access to democracy.