Spokane County Commissioner Josh Kerns talks with State Senator Mike Padden about his career in public service, and insights on top issues before the Washington State Legislature. https://youtu.be/RNVKSTmsTx8?si=MoCIcEEJjb-qNJdp

AUDIO: Boehnke bill seeks to free Washington from California vehicle emissions rules
A new bill seeks to separate Washington from California’s vehicle-emission standards while enhancing emissions reporting. Tracy Ellis explains.

SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Holy on The Lars Larson Show
Senator Jeff Holy talks with Lars Larson about his bipartisan bill that would use $100 million to help hire more law-enforcement officers.

AUDIO: Holy bill seeks $100 million to help hire more law-enforcement officers
To boost the number of law-enforcement officers in Washington, a state senator is sponsoring a new bipartisan bill. Tracy Ellis reports

AUDIO: Final Inslee budget proposal would continue staggering spending growth says Republican budget leader
Governor Jay Inslee’s budget shows his commitment to tax-and-spend to the end according to the state Senate Republican budget leader. Kimberly Wirtz explains.

SRC On Air: Sen. Phil Fortunato on KIRO Radio’s Seattle’s Morning News
Sen. Phil Fortunato talks to KIRO Radio’s Dave Ross about his bill that aims to close dangerous loopholes by repealing sanctuary state laws and administrative policies that limit cooperation between state law enforcement and federal immigration authorities.
VIDEO: KXLY: Sen. Phil Fortunato bill would create new categories for boys and girls sports
Fortunato’s bill would create categories for athletes based on their chromosomes and gender identity, plus a separate category for athletes with variations in their chromosomes. https://youtu.be/vaHWqIVezjw?si=WFEIZAkJVW5B_GJt

SRC On Air: Sen. John Braun on The Lars Larson Show
Senate Republican Leader John Braun discusses with Lars Larson the strategies Republicans can employ to pass legislation despite the Democrats holding a super-majority in the legislature.

AUDIO: State Senate Republicans announce 2025 leaders
The person picked to lead State Senate Republicans is focused on getting things done, despite being in the minority. Tracy Ellis explains.

SRC On Air: Sen. Phil Fortunato on The Lars Larson Show
Sen. Phil Fortunato talks to Lars Larson about his legislation to protect Washingtonians by removing violent criminals who are in the state illegally.

AUDIO: Fortunato Gets Jump Start on Trump’s Deportation Plan
In anticipation of Trump Administration immigration changes, a state Senator hopes to remove violent criminals by reintroducing a bill to repeal Washington's sanctuary state status. Tracy Ellis reports.
VIDEO: KING 5: New proposal to move young offenders to former adult jail raises concerns
Republican State Senator John Braun expressed cautious support while criticizing the timing. He said he asked Inslee for relief in 2023. "It's too little too late for a lot of folks who have suffered the consequences of a poorly thought out policy."...