A discussion with legislative leadership on the up-coming 2022 Legislative Session.

A discussion with legislative leadership on the up-coming 2022 Legislative Session.
The annual event features conversations moderated by AP Correspondent Rachel La Corte.
Sen. Curtis King joins KIT Radio’s Morning News with Dave and Lance to talk about the challenges of a semi-virtual legislative session, gubernatorial emergency powers, transportation, and more.
Senate Republican Leader John Braun talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about Republicans' Priorities for Washington for the upcoming legislative session.
State Senate Republicans say they want to right the wrongs that created a more dangerous society, a higher cost of living and a government that doesn’t adequately represent the people. Tracy Ellis reports.
Sen. Jeff Wilson talks with KTTH Radio’s Bryan Suits about his bill to crack down on catalytic converter thefts.
State Sen. Jeff Wilson says his bill targets unscrupulous scrap metal dealers.
House and Senate Republicans in Olympia have unveiled a package of legislation they say will increase public safety, reduce crime, and put victims and community safety first. John Sattgast reports from the state Capitol....
Press conference to release “Safe Washington: A Republican Plan for Increasing Public Safety, Reducing Crime and Putting Victims First.” The substantive package of legislation is aimed at undoing some of the confusion and harm created by the reckless, ill-conceived...
A state Senator’s bill aims to improve traffic flow and safety along Highway 2 between Wenatchee and Monroe. Tracy Ellis has details.
Sen. Ericksen died on Dec. 17. https://youtu.be/AtwcMyHdvR8
Sen. Brad Hawkins talks about the upcoming session, anti-police laws, housing shortages, gubernatorial emergency powers, the long-term care payroll tax, and more. KOHO 101 Morning Show KOZI Morning News