State Senate Republicans step forward with a sweeping proposal for tax relief. Tracy Ellis reports.

State Senate Republicans step forward with a sweeping proposal for tax relief. Tracy Ellis reports.
Sen. Jeff Wilson talks with Kyle Pauley on KXRO about gubernatorial emergency powers, catalytic converter theft, police reform and drug possession laws, the long-term care payroll tax and economic development.
Senator Shelly Short on 920 News Now with Kris Siebers and Teresa Lukens talking about the state budget, gubernatorial emergency powers, the long-term care payroll tax, anti-police laws passed last year, housing, and transportation....
State Sen. Chris Gildon talks with KTTH’s Jason Rantz about his legislative priorities.
State legislative Republicans share their vision for the future. Kimberly Wirtz has details.
Legislative Republican leaders comment on Governor Inslee's State of the State Address and discuss their priorities for the 2022 legislative session during a virtual media availability.
State Senator Chris Gildon, R-Puyallup, gives the Republican perspective on the 2022 legislative session.
Sen. Brad Hawkins discusses the virtual session, police reform and long-term care laws, state budgets and his bills to compensate tow truck drivers, allow school districts to consolidate, help provide housing to workers, and improve Highway 2. KOHO 101 Morning Show...
Host of TVW’s The Impact, Mike McClanahan interviews Senate Republican Leader John Braun about Republican plans to restore public safety, return affordability and rebuild trust. They also discuss some of the governor’s proposals and transportation....
Sen. Jeff Wilson and KIRO's Dori Monson clarify some misleading agenda items for an upcoming State Board of Health meeting.
Sen. Perry Dozier talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about closed mountain passes, the long-term care payroll tax, redistricting, and the challenges of semi-virtual legislative session.
Sen. John Braun talks to Lars Larson about Governor Inslee’s bill to make lying about election results illegal.