Making possession of hard drugs like fentanyl a felony again is the aim of a bill in the state Senate. Tracy Ellis reports.

Making possession of hard drugs like fentanyl a felony again is the aim of a bill in the state Senate. Tracy Ellis reports.
Senator John Braun talks to Lars Larson about Democrat tax increases, the refusal by some Democrats to take meaningful action on police pursuits, and Democrat proposals to stop enforcing certain traffic violations.
State Senator Judy Warnick introduced legislation to establish the state cactus.
Sen. Chris Gildon talks about permit approval timelines and how they can affect the cost of a home. He says there may be a way to speed up permitting.
Senator Jeff Wilson talks to Lars Larson about a Democrat bill that would require that you vote.
State Senate Democrats turn back attempts by Republicans to fix a criminal-friendly flaw in state law regarding police pursuits. Tracy Ellis reports.
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Sen. Shelly Short. Topic: Fixes to the law limiting police pursuits
Legislative Democrats continue to block important fixes to their 2021 law that restricts police pursuits. Podcast features Senators John Braun, Keith Wagoner and Lynda Wilson.
Host Austin Jenkins goes in-depth with Senate Republican Leader John Braun. Topics include Republican priorities, housing, hard drug possession, abortion, police pursuits and 2nd Amendment rights.
Sen. John Braun talks to KEDO Radio’s Mike Wallin about redistricting and police pursuits.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about the capital gains income tax, the working families tax credit, budgeting, police pursuits, hard drug possession, and education spending.
Washington’s “Dreamers” would benefit from legislation sponsored by a Latina Republican state Senator. Tracy Ellis explains.