With no Republican support, state Senate Democrats again passed a ban on some semiautomatic rifles. Tracy Ellis reports.

With no Republican support, state Senate Democrats again passed a ban on some semiautomatic rifles. Tracy Ellis reports.
Legislative Republican leaders hold a media availability to discuss the 2023 legislative session. This week they talk about hard drug possession, police pursuits, Democrat proposed tax increases, clergy confession confidentiality, housing and more....
Clergy who learn about sexual abuse of children during confession wouldn’t have to report that abuse if the state Senate gets its way. Tracy Ellis explains.
Sen. Brad Hawkins on the KOZI Morning News talking about his bill that could lead to the development of a regional sports complex, the bill restoring police pursuits, the legislative process, and more.
Senator Shelly Short on 920 News Now with Dave Spencer talking about Democrat proposed tax increases, the bill restoring police pursuits, and her bill clarifying the role of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Sen. Drew MacEwen talks with KMAS Daybreak host Spencer Hughes about Democrat proposals to triple property tax hikes and increase the real estate excise tax. They also discuss housing and energy costs.
State Senate Republicans say a police pursuit bill that passed out of the Legislature is a small move in the right direction. Tracy Ellis reports.
A pro-life state Senator opposes a bill passed in the Senate that allows a state agency to distribute abortion-causing pills. Tracy Ellis has more.
At a time when the state legislature is looking to make housing more affordable, two new proposals would add to the cost of a home. Tracy Ellis explains.
Sen. Jeff Wilson talks to Lars Larson about the Lewis and Clark bridge over the Columbia River in Longview and a bill that could remove parents from the health care decision-making process for their kids.
Senate Democrats unveiled a new proposal that would allow three percent state and local property tax hikes without a vote of the people - that’s triple the current one percent limit. Senators John Braun, Mark Schoesler and Keith Wagoner talk about it.
A Republican state Senator says he’s trying to keep property taxes from going higher with his bill while Senate Democrats are doing the opposite. Tracy Ellis has more.