A bill to promote hydrogen-powered vehicles continues to move through the state legislature. Tracy Ellis has this update.

A bill to promote hydrogen-powered vehicles continues to move through the state legislature. Tracy Ellis has this update.
Listen to this 20th District Legislative Update with State Senator John Braun of Centralia.
Ranking Republican on the State Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee, Doug Ericksen, asks the committee chair when/if members will be able to ask questions of people testifying in hearings. https://youtu.be/7oaGh77QONQ
Sen. Brad Hawkins talks to Kevin Rounce and Kalie Drago on the KPQ Morning Report about a hearing on a bill to reopen the economy, vaccinations and wildfires.
Key lawmakers debate possible solutions to eviction and foreclosure concerns, landlord-tenant challenges, and skyrocketing home prices on The Impact on TVW. Guests include: Senate Housing and Local Government Committee Ranking Member, Sen. Phil Fortunato (R-Auburn).
The Senate State Government and Elections Committee received testimony on SB 5114. It would allow some businesses such as restaurants, gyms and entertainment venues to partially reopen. Most spoke in favor of the bill. https://youtu.be/ShoIbLPQWeA
The message was clear: allow restaurants, gyms, and entertainment venues to partially reopen. Tracy Ellis tells us about a legislative committee hearing held today (Wed).
Sen. Jeff Wilson talks with KXRO’s Kyle Pauley about the legislative process, reopening the economy, transportation, voting, needle exchange and more. https://soundcloud.com/kxronews/1-20-21-senator-jeff-wilson
Listen as Sen. Chris Gildon explains the governor's capital gains tax proposal. There's more to the story than you might expect. The views expressed by individual members are not necessarily those of the entire caucus.
The Republican state Senator leading the way on getting vaccines for educators who want them is applauding a move by the governor. Tracy Ellis explains.
25th District State Senator Chris Gildon talks about the proposed capital gains tax in this legislative update. https://youtu.be/R3ykIgiDKaI
Senate and House Republican leaders gather for their weekly media availability at the State Capitol. https://youtu.be/RM6UhQ6lz7c