Sen. Brad Hawkins discusses COVID, the 2021 Legislative Session and preparation for the 2022 Session, the Governor’s partial vetoes of climate bills, and wildfires. KOHO 101 Morning Show KOZI Morning News

Sen. Brad Hawkins discusses COVID, the 2021 Legislative Session and preparation for the 2022 Session, the Governor’s partial vetoes of climate bills, and wildfires. KOHO 101 Morning Show KOZI Morning News
Focus 15 host TJ Martinell speaks with Sen. Doug Ericksen about SB 5126's cap-and-trade program and what it means for the state's business climate.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about Gov. Inslee’s partial vetoes of two climate bills, gubernatorial emergency powers, the income tax on capital gains, the Odessa Aquifer, unemployment benefits/labor shortages, and police reform...
The State Senate Republican budget lead says unnecessary taxes and regressive policies outweigh the good things in the state spending plan Governor Inslee signed today (Tue). Tracy Ellis reports.
Governor Inslee again violated the state constitution with an illegal veto today according the state Senate Republican Leader. Tracy Ellis has details.
Drive up energy costs, crash the economy, and create blackouts – that’s what a state Senator says the governor did today (Mon). Tracy Ellis explains.
Sen. Republican Leader John Braun tells KTTH’s Jason Rantz that Gov. Inslee needs to give up emergency powers when he reopens the state.
Policing was the topic behind many contentious debates during the 2021 legislative session. Democrats, who control both House and Senate, pushed through a package of police reform and accountability proposals Republicans say will make communities less safe, and...
Republican legislative leaders say the governor is again waiting too long to do the right thing. Tracy Ellis explains.
An overview of the "bare-bones" transportation budget that passed, the carbon bills linked to a bigger package, and the potential for a special session.
The Senate Republican Caucus listens to the people and works for all of Washington. Washington is currently under a state of emergency due to COVID-19 and because of this, our state constitution allows the governor to have almost complete authority on decisions being...
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about the 2021 session, colon hydrotherapy bills, and redistricting.