Sen. Simon Sefzik, R-Ferndale, talks about the export fuel tax and the effort to place checks and balances on the governor's emergency powers in his first video update from Olympia.

Sen. Simon Sefzik, R-Ferndale, talks about the export fuel tax and the effort to place checks and balances on the governor's emergency powers in his first video update from Olympia.
7th District Sen. Shelly Short talks about the governor’s emergency powers and transportation.
Sen. Lynda Wilson talks to KGNW Radio’s Tim Gaydos about the governor’s emergency powers and taxes and spending.
The Elephant in the Dome Podcast: Tracy Ellis takes a look at some of the things that happened this week in Olympia.
Does the Washington State Democrats’ transportation package declare war on neighboring states? Tracy Ellis tells us that some see it that way.
Listen to this 7th District Legislative Update with Senator Shelly Short. Topics: The governor’s emergency powers and transportation.
Sen. Mark Schoesler talks with KONA Radio’s The Bottom Line about the Democrat’s transportation package, masking in schools, the governor’s emergency powers, budgets and the need for tax relief.
Sen. Chris Gildon talks about fixes to bad bills from last year’s legislative session. He addresses legislation related to 21-gun salutes, the long-term care payroll tax, police reform, and the governor’s emergency powers.
State Legislative Republican leaders say you shouldn’t have to wait another month for the state mask mandates to end. Tracy Ellis reports.
Sen. Mark Schoesler discusses the many problems with legislative Democrats' transportation package that was recently unveiled. He also talks about the proposal to eliminate statewide advisory votes.
Listen to this 20th District Legislative Update with Sen. John Braun. Topics: The governor’s emergency powers and transportation
The case for providing tax relief this year is stronger than ever, according to the budget lead for state Senate Republicans. Tracy Ellis reports.