Sen. Braun
The Elephant in the Dome Podcast: Budget Battles & Big Decisions – Senators Braun & Gildon Weigh In
AUDIO: Senate Republican Leadership Update with State Senator John Braun
VIDEO: Senate Republican Leader John Braun | Legislative Update
SRC On Air: Sen. John Braun on The Lars Larson Show
VIDEO: Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability
Sen John Braun SB 5041 Unemployment for Striking Workers
Senate Republican Leader John Braun, 20th Legislative District, updates us on the Legislature
Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability—Public Safety, Education, State Budget Concerns
Sen John Braun answers question from reporter John Stang on parental rights & initiative killer bill
Sen. Boehnke
AUDIO: Senate unanimously passes Boehnke election-security bill
State Senate unanimously passes Sen. Matt Boehnke’s election security bill (video)
Sen. Christian
Sen. Leonard Christian Opposes SB 5375 – Protecting Clergy-Confidentiality
Sen. Leonard Christian: “Worst of the Worst” released to within half mile of legislative member home
Sen. Fortunato
Killing the Golden Goose: The Cost of WA’s Electric Truck Mandate
Sen. Gildon
The Elephant in the Dome Podcast: Budget Battles & Big Decisions – Senators Braun & Gildon Weigh In
AUDIO: Republican budget leader welcomes Ferguson’s savings suggestions
VIDEO: Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability
Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability—Public Safety, Education, State Budget Concerns
Sen. Goehner
SRC On Air | Sen. Goehner | KPQ Radio
SRC On Air: Sen. Keith Goehner on KOZI Radio in Chelan
Sen. King
VIDEO—TVW—The Impact—Road Usage Charge in Focus with Sen. Curtis King
TVW—The Impact—Road Usage Charge in Focus with Republican Sen Curtis King (short)
Sen. MacEwen
Sen. Drew MacEwen Exposes Budget Failures & Calls for Responsible Spending
Sen. Drew MacEwen Exposes Budget Failures & Calls for Responsible Spending (short)
Sen. Schoesler
Pullman Radio (no link)
AUDIO: 9th District Legislative update with State Senator Mark Schoesler
Sen. Short
7th District Legislative update with State Senator Shelly Short
SRC On Air: Sen. Shelly Short on KOMW in Omak
AUDIO: Woodstove bill is dead for session, Short says
Sen. Torres
Sen. Wagoner
SRC On Air: Sen. Keith Wagoner on KNKX Radio in Tacoma
AUDIO: Wagoner removes anti parent provision from bill to protect kids online
Wagoner removes anti parent provision from bill to protect kids online
Wagoner removes anti parent provision from bill to protect kids online (short)
Wagoner working to remove anti-parent provision from bill aimed at protecting kids on internet
Sen. Wilson
SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on Local Matters on Timber Country 94.7 in Aberdeen (no link)
SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on KONA Radio in the Tri Cities
AUDIO: 19th District Legislative update with State Senator Jeff Wilson
Blake Hoffman—SB 5266—allowing people convicted of crimes as kids to seek early release at age 24
Moses Mutel—SB 5266—allowing people convicted of crimes as kids to seek early release at age 24
Chris Ativalu Ford—SB 5266—allowing people convicted of crimes as kids to seek early release at age
Lola Luna—SB 5266—allowing people convicted of crimes as kids to seek early release at age 24
Alexis Hale—SB 5266—allowing people convicted of crimes as kids to seek early release at age 24
Testimony—SB 5266—allowing people convicted of crimes as kids to seek early release at age 24
Former Secretary of State Sam Reed SB 5382 Initiative Killer Bill
Secretary of State Steve Hobbs SB 5382 Initiative Killer Bill