Seen and Heard 2

Jan 25, 2025

Sen. Braun

The Elephant in the Dome Podcast: A Better Future for Washington’s Children

VIDEO UPDATE: Senate Republican Leader John Braun

AUDIO: State Senate Republican leadership update with Senator John Braun

VIDEO: Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability

AUDIO: Braun proposes transforming The Evergreen State College to address Washington’s growing health-care workforce crisis

SRC On Air: Sen. John Braun on KVI Radio’s Ari Hoffman Show


Sen. Boehnke

SRC On Air: Sen. Matt Boehnke on KONA Radio in the Tri Cities (from previous week)


Sen. Dozier

SRC On Air: Sen. Perry Dozier on KONA Radio in the Tri Cities


Sen. Gildon

VIDEO UPDATE: Sen. Chris Gildon


Sen. Holy

AUDIO: Senate panel passes Holy bill to help hire more law-enforcement officers


Sen. MacEwen

Meet the Deputies: A New Voice in Olympia

Senator Drew MacEwen speaks in support of a resolution honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sens. Shelly Short and Drew MacEwen speak in support of a resolution honoring Martin Luther King Jr.(YouTube short)

VIDEO: Sen. Drew MacEwen with KMAS Radio host Jeff Slakey


Sen. Schoesler

VIDEO UPDATE: Sen. Mark Schoesler

AUDIO: 9th District Legislative update with Republican state Senator Mark Schoesler

Pullman Radio (no link)


Sen. Short

Senator Shelly Short speaks in support of a resolution honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sens. Shelly Short and Drew MacEwen speak in support of a resolution honoring Martin Luther King Jr. (YouTube short)

AUDIO: 7th District Legislative Update

SRC On Air: Sens. Judy Warnick and Shelly Short on KPQ Radio in Wenatchee

AUDIO: Budget and spending are top issues for 2025 Legislature, Short says

SRC On Air: Sen. Shelly Short on KOZI Radio in Chelan

VIDEO: Legislative Republican Leadership Media Availability

Sen. Short and Reps. Enegell and Abell on KOMW in Omak


Sen. Wagoner

SRC On Air: Sen. Keith Wagoner on The Lars Larson Show


Sen. Warnick

SRC On Air: Sens. Judy Warnick and Shelly Short on KPQ Radio in Wenatchee


Sen. Wilson

AUDIO: 19th District Legislative Update

SRC On Air: Sen. Jeff Wilson on Local Matters on Timber Country 94.7 in Aberdeen (from previous week)